Sunday, October 17, 2010

September Shots.

Here are some of our September faves.

Have I mentioned that the condo we're renting right now is handicapped accessible? So with that, comes a really open layout of the apartment (which makes it feel really big!), wider hallways, doors, and groundfloor access. We're really content in our home. But we also don't have a bathtub, so the girls have their evening "shower" instead. Thankfully, the shower nozzle detaches and the girls can have an automatic sprinkler at their hands. I've been meaning to post photos of our humble abode, so those are to come too.

So a few things about shower time.

One. Ryan has always joyfully taken this duty. I can't begin to explain how much I appreciate this fifteen minutes of service. To our girls and to me. I know for sure at the end of the day, I could not make the girls laugh as hard and as often as he does during bath time. So many squeels, splashing and a few "Alexia, not in her face sweetie"s are heard. I usually take this "alone" time to clean up the dishes from dinner, when I'm feeling really motivated. Other times, I check my favorite blogs.

Two. Alexia hates water being poured over her head. Ryan has convinced her a few times that pouring water over her head herself is really cool. But most of the time, it's the one downside of taking a bath.

Naiya? Completely different story. Doesn't mind a bit. Why not read a book while water is rushing down your face?

Occasionally, she'll get this bright eyed look when the water takes her by surprise. But no tears. And no fear of more water to come.

And since many of you have asked for photos of my washer/dryer, here they are. Just kidding. No one has asked. But I was doing laundry, and went to put the clean clothes in our bedroom, heard some giggling and came back to this:

My guess is that was Naiya's idea. Since she's the queen of climbing onto and into things. 

September was also the month Naiya decided to start taking her first steps. Maybe four at the most. Alexia started walking at around 14 months, but Naiya took her sweet old time and waited until 16 months. Ryan was convinced Naiya would be an early walker, because she has such a go-getter spirit. But the girl has got a mean speed crawl, and I think that was most efficient for her. 

Cruisin' the coffee table:

Still cruisin':

There she goes!

And....we're done.

Happy girl. "Side" and "Bubbles" are a fave for this girl. I swear she dreams about being outside and blowing bubbles, because it's the first thing she says when she wakes up. 

Not so happy about the photo shoot with her feet in the grass. Although, I will say that this girl rarely cries. Usually only when she gets hurt (it takes a lot) or it's waaaaaaay past her bedtime. But mostly, she has short outbursts of frustration, instead of crying. World of a difference with our older, more sensitive daughter. 

Her preference of transportation.

Inquisitive little one too.

And she never. Ever.


Bow in.

For Alexia's letter of the week, "D", we finally made homemade glazed donuts. Which I just realized, why is donuts sometimes spelled doughnuts? Random. Anyway. We made the dough in the afternoon. And then I fried them the next morning. And got to use my new, handy-dandy candy thermometer. I was quite surprised they turned out. I was fully preparing myself mentally and emotionally for them to be a (as Ryan would call it) boondoggle. I was nervous about the whole rising process. But they came out beautifully airy and warm and glazed and yummy! Although I did catch my husband whispering to his sister something along the lines of not comparing to The Amish Market's glazed donuts. But I don't take it personally, considering most of the amish bakers have probably been making them since before they were potty trained. Just sayin'. Have I mentioned my husband has a donut fettish? He denies it every time I call attention to it. But I'm pretty sure he's on a first name basis with the Amish Market donut guy.

Here are the lovely golden goodies:

Some rainy day September fun, sparked the idea to make a tradition of letting the girls get sopping wet on a rainy day, and then warming up with a cup of homemade cocoa. The thought just breeds warmth, home and nostalgia in my heart. 

1 comment:

Me said...

Boy, do I wish we could get together sometime! I love reading your blog and comparing similarities in our children. Hudson HATES getting water on his head/face; Miriam thinks it is fun. She is a go-getter too. Life got a bit interesting when she realized she could push the chairs around and climb up to various counters and shelves. So fun. Your girls are beautiful!

AND! I was seriously trying to decide if I wanted to make homemade donuts this week. Crazy. =)

Love, Staci