Sunday, January 26, 2014

2014 Resolution

I love that January is a time of reflection. Not that I am big on setting resolutions. I know myself too well. However, I do like the hope of adjusting my focus. I want to continue to grow in my walk with Jesus, and to continue to purposefully be refined by my role as a wife and mom. The two roles where I am the most comfortable and the most volatile because of that comfort.

I have felt the two words "available" and "willing" coming up in my quiet times with God. "Willing" won out since "available" makes me feel like I am marketing myself as such. But both express my deep desire to put aside my own agenda in the day-to-day decisions.

I am going through a devotional and this verse popped out at me and inspired my 2014 focus:

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." (Matthew 7:24)

In the devotional part it goes on to say, "We are a people desperate for God's Word. More than anything, God's people need to know His Word and be willing to give Him the freedom to adjust our lives to its precepts." (Beth Moore, emphasis mine.)

All too often I hear God's words, can communicate a philosophical response to them, but actually putting them into practice? So many reasons all too easily rule out the discipline of practice.

My being willing is something I choose to give to God. It is a gift to my husband. To my children.

When I think of my unwillingness, I think of wanting to finish a task instead of being willing to let myself be interrupted by my kids asking "mommy, can I show you something?". I think of being too tired or stressed or irritated to answer the phone, or having a bad attitude and a rushed spirit when I do answer, when my husband calls in the middle of the day.

Jesus, help me to be willing to have You adjust the focus of my daily agenda.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hello 2014. Hello Blog.

Inspired by planning a party for each of my children this year (first time for any of them, and yes, my oldest is five…I can explain!).

Inspired by a new year.

Inspired by creative blogs written by busy moms who are making memories with and for their kids and actually documenting them. My memory fails me, most of the things I remember are because of scrolling through our iPhoto albums. (Seriously, there's only about five in the rotation of "stories about when I was a little girl" upon bedtime requests from my girls.)

I have to confess my hesitation to blog though. I don't want to blog to paint a picture of a life that's 100% all-put-together. I don't want to feel like I have to put a bow in my girls' hair before I take a photo. Or revoke their right to dress themselves, in fear that their typical day-to-day Punky Brewster-ishness will be exposed on my blog! I want to make sure my motives are not inspired by narcissism.

But I do love the idea of blogging motivating me to channel creativity towards doing things with my kids. And I do love the motivation to take pictures and document our lives. I love the thought of being able to share ideas, recipes and experiences to inspire friends - as blogs have done for me! And just recently, I had a revelation. I've always known that I love to write. I have a collection of journals to prove it. But just recently, I had the revelation that writing is a form of worship for me. A way that makes me feel connected to the Lord, full, energized, and it's just fun! I was a tad emotional realizing that God gave this form of worship, tailored for me, for Him, as a gift that brings Him joy and me as well.

So, hence: Hello Blog.

Here are some of my favorite snapshots from 2014 so far.

We've had a crazy winter this year, so far. Single digits!:

Life-size snowman built in our backyard, compliments of Uncle Logan, Aunt Meg and Ryan:

Our little guy in his "monkey hat". (We haven't had the heart to correct him that it is actually a bear.)

Almost the final product:

Second snow-day project, an igloo for five:

Our girls. Alexia showing off a school art project:

Nothing but love for Noah:

And my tactile child, who caught me way off guard with this one:

Happy Monday!