Monday, March 31, 2008

28 Weeks

Here I am at 28 weeks. I find myself longing for summer to be here (or at least a warm spring), so I can sport cotton skirts and gouchos. As much as I love my maternity jeans, they are becoming slightly uncomfortable to wear as an all-day outfit.

Upon getting a belly, I was warned by many friends that random strangers would find it their duty to rub pregnant bellies. However, I haven’t really had this happen just yet. Although I was caught off guard while at the grocery store, when a middle-aged man saw me rubbing my sore belly and commented, “Rubbing it for good luck?” To add to this, Ryan now likes to use endearing nicknames, such as this morning, his “little pot-bellied pig” (he also assured me many people have pot-bellied pigs as pets because they’re so cute). But don’t worry, before anyone decides to jump in on my behalf, I am aware he does this all in fun (most of the time I know this), and he makes sure to tell me frequently that he thinks I am a beautiful pregnant woman.

My biggest discomfort right now is the middle of my back. Torture for me is to be stuck in the car for too long. Especially in other peoples’ cars, where I usually don’t feel the freedom to accomodate myself to the more comfortable position of laying on my side. My sleeping routine now includes waking to go to the bathroom a minimum of two times, sleeping with a pillow either in between my legs or tucked underneath my belly, and then a constant switching of which side I sleep on (Ryan complains that the nightly result of this is that I steal the covers). If you would have told me I had this to look forward to, I would have dreaded it. To my surprise though, I don’t complain too much, because I usually wake up feeling rested each morning. And this, I truly make a point to appreciate, because I know I don’t have much longer to claim that I feel “rested”.

’Til next week…

Monday, March 24, 2008

27 Weeks

I made my second cross-country trip being pregnant. This time I had a great experience flying to my hometown San Ramon, California. I had a direct flight from Baltimore to San Francisco, 5 hours each way, and it was fabulous! That’s the way to fly cross-country. I flew United and the time flew by with free movies and sitcom shows (The Office!). Both ways I also had the middle seat free too.

My reason for going home was to attend a baby shower my girlfriends from high school threw for me. So sweet. I stayed with my aunt and uncle since my dad now lives in Idaho. A huge blessing was that my cousin, Jason, and his wife, Sara, coincidentally planned to come home the same weekend. So it was so nice to spend time with both of them, because it had been over a year since seeing them last (they now live in Seattle, WA).

The shower was such a fun reunion of all of my high school friends and some of their moms, some of whom I have known since elementary school! A few of them made the trip up from SoCal, contributing to the day’s meaningfulness. Of all my girlfriends, FIVE of us are pregnant! So fun. Here are some pictures from the wonderful shower. Cute decorations of onesies and booties (which I got to take home with me) and an amazing cake to match the nursery:

And here are all the girls:

And the preggos:

(L-R): Mel (12 weeks), Shan (27 weeks), Kristina (25 weeks), Nicole (12 weeks)

Monday, March 17, 2008

26 Weeks

Not too much has happened since last week. Our baby is still active as ever. In this picture I’m sporting my first maternity shirt, given by my Aunt Debbi. I received it for Christmas and found it hard to imagine actually fitting into it properly. Oh, what a few months will do!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

25 Weeks

I officially feel like my belly is big. But I’m enjoying it, and finding it hard to comprehend how I still have more than three months to go. I can’t imagine how lopsided I’m going to look pretty soon! I’m hoping being “belly heavy” isn’t too uncomfortable for me to bear. I’m also learning about myself, mostly how I really don’t tolerate being uncomfortable too well. Oh well. Ryan likes to remind me that it’s “mind over matter”. Whatever.

I’m still enjoying feeling the baby move, it’s always a race to get Ryan’s hand fast enough to my belly to feel it for himself. Usually, our baby is done entertaining by the time Ryan can get there.

No other news to report at this time…