Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Cookie Recipes

Just because I'm feeling motivated, here's a follow-up post about some of my favorite cookie recipes.

And these are all Ryan-approved. Except for the sugar cookies. He kept trying to figure out what went wrong. I finally had to break it to him that I specifically searched for a recipe that would replicate the ones that are showcased at the grocery store at every holiday. The ones that I fight the temptation to buy, knowing I would be the only one gobbling them up. Probably before anyone even knew I had bought them. But if ever there is a sample of them, oh it's on!

Here's what's baking in our kitchen this season:

Peanut-Butter Cookies (and I opt for the chewier cookies, so take the tip at the end of the recipe to bake it at a lower temp)

Soft Frosted Sugar Cookies (like the store-bought ones)

Jam Thumbprint Cookies (brought to you by the woman that has literally taught me how to cook and bake, thank you Ina, from the bottom of my husband's stomach)

No Bake Cookies

Russian Tea Cakes

Chewy Ginger Cookies


Love me some lists.

It's no secret that I love lists.

I create lists to get motivated. To feel accomplished. To organize my brain.

When I'm feeling really tired and unmotivated, I make a list of things where I have already accomplished a few. Just so I can cross it off and pat myself on the back.

I am very task-oriented and do not like to move onto the next task if the previous one is not completely check-off-the-listable. Ryan fully understands this. He sees the tension within my brain before I even do, if interupted by something that calls louder for my attention.

Enough about me though.

Let's move on to what I realized today and had to take note of.

Today's "I want to feel productive/My explanation of "what I did all day", I'll call it Exhibit A:

Looks like another ordinary day with multiple checklists (for you nosy ones that are squinting to read each post-it, the yellow is a list of 6 cookies I want to bake during the Christmas season which include: peanut butter, no-bake, sugar cookies w/ frosting, chewy ginger snaps, thumbprint cookies and russian tea cakes. (Ohhhh, I should do a post where I include all the recipes for these cookies, because they are my faves.....I won't promise myself to such a lofty goal for now though...but that would be fun.) So back to the post-its, the orange one of the left has a list of dishes that I need to make tomorrow for friends (birthday and new baby).

And that beloved one front and center, next to the pen? It is my to-do list for today. Here's a closer look:

It wasn't until I had finished #1 and #2 and crossed them both off, that I realized what my life had come to.

When did it become a reality that taking a shower was something I had to put on a to-do list? And not only that. But cross it off with a sense of accomplishment.

With all seriousness.

The title of my next book: "The Day I Realized I Would Never Be 20 and Free To Take On the World." With a sequel called: "The Reactive Life: Because I Don't Have Time to Be Proactive."

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Noah is 9 months!

His stats:
Weight: 18 lbs (15th percentile)
Height: 28 inches (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 45 cm (40th percentile)

Latest tricks:

1. Officially crawling all over the place. (My life is about to get crazy...I just have a feeling...)

Yes, that's dirt. From one of my two indestructible potted plants. Total side note: I can't believe how those plants have lasted this long. It's incredible how well I am at killing any living plant. It is such a shame. 

2. Using a straw. I secretly have feelings of such pride watching him do this. Is there some sort of prize for your baby being so advanced in the straw-sucking arena? Just kidding. At least about the prize part. 

3. Pulling himself up. It's usually to beg for food or to play with something I've put (what I thought) out of reach. Eating and playing, what this boy does best. 

All these milestones just whizzing by. Geesh. It's fun though, even with the third child, it's like the first time every time. Just love to watch him be aware of everything going on around him. He "gets" life.

When Ryan walks in through the door, he gets excited and squaks and sprint-crawls towards him. And does the exact opposite when Ryan leaves the room.

But he's still a Mama's boy. Yesssssss. Even at 9 months, I still catch myself being in awe that God has let a little man enter into our home.

Nothing sweeter for me than him reaching for me while he's in someone else's arms - sounds so narcissistic, I know - and snuggles right into me and assumes the "comfort zone" position with his head buried and fingers in his mouth. He's not the thumb sucker that I'd hoped he'd be. Just kidding, it wasn't that big of a deal. But I am a big fan of self-soothing, so I had thumb-sucking transitions for each kid at 3 months when I was tired of being the pacifier police and rescuing the pacifier every 15 minutes during naps. So this is what we have here:

After Noah's 9 month well visit, I was caught off guard when the receptionist said, "So we'll see him next at his 12 month in March." WHAT?! How has almost a whole year gone by? One year old just sounds so old. I am enjoying him more than words can express!