Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Naiya's First Hair Cut.

Naiya has come a long way with the hair growth process. She was practically bald for the first few months of her life. Which was quite the shocker after having Alexia be bow-ready at birth.

This was Alexia getting her first bath of her life at the hospital. She was ready for a full salon wash:

Naiya, not so much:

And soon her hair evolved to this:

Who doesn't love for their daughter to sport a rat tail? And up until recently it had grown into a semi-mullet:

And when I impulsively cut Alexia's hair because of how tangled it always got, I decided I would take the risk of cutting Naiya's as well. I feel like I had some margin of error with Alexia's hair since it is curly, but Naiya's bone straight hair had the potential to be a total haircut-fail. But I went for it anyway. Notice the concentration on my face. Very serious business. A bit stressful, I'm not gonna lie. Don't let her standing still for this photo fool you. She almost got scissor tips in her ears a few times. 

I definitely needed Ryan's help to entertain Naiya (and capture the moment on camera). All the while, Alexia is playing with a lighter. Pretty much a torch. Don't judge. 

And the finished product:

For the first couple of days, I couldn't help but laugh out loud at how much she reminded me of a little Amish boy. But within a week Ryan and I were in love with her cute little bob. Not that she cares any. But we said goodbye to the whispy mullet. 

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