Saturday, December 01, 2012

Noah is 9 months!

His stats:
Weight: 18 lbs (15th percentile)
Height: 28 inches (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 45 cm (40th percentile)

Latest tricks:

1. Officially crawling all over the place. (My life is about to get crazy...I just have a feeling...)

Yes, that's dirt. From one of my two indestructible potted plants. Total side note: I can't believe how those plants have lasted this long. It's incredible how well I am at killing any living plant. It is such a shame. 

2. Using a straw. I secretly have feelings of such pride watching him do this. Is there some sort of prize for your baby being so advanced in the straw-sucking arena? Just kidding. At least about the prize part. 

3. Pulling himself up. It's usually to beg for food or to play with something I've put (what I thought) out of reach. Eating and playing, what this boy does best. 

All these milestones just whizzing by. Geesh. It's fun though, even with the third child, it's like the first time every time. Just love to watch him be aware of everything going on around him. He "gets" life.

When Ryan walks in through the door, he gets excited and squaks and sprint-crawls towards him. And does the exact opposite when Ryan leaves the room.

But he's still a Mama's boy. Yesssssss. Even at 9 months, I still catch myself being in awe that God has let a little man enter into our home.

Nothing sweeter for me than him reaching for me while he's in someone else's arms - sounds so narcissistic, I know - and snuggles right into me and assumes the "comfort zone" position with his head buried and fingers in his mouth. He's not the thumb sucker that I'd hoped he'd be. Just kidding, it wasn't that big of a deal. But I am a big fan of self-soothing, so I had thumb-sucking transitions for each kid at 3 months when I was tired of being the pacifier police and rescuing the pacifier every 15 minutes during naps. So this is what we have here:

After Noah's 9 month well visit, I was caught off guard when the receptionist said, "So we'll see him next at his 12 month in March." WHAT?! How has almost a whole year gone by? One year old just sounds so old. I am enjoying him more than words can express! 

1 comment:

Kristie Seale said...

What a great post. I love all that is going on with Noah. We are just a few months ahead of you. I am totally opposite in that I am just in aw that God gave us a "little girl" to adore just as much as the boys. She melts her daddies heart on a daily basis. Especially when she greets him at the door, shoving past the door.