Thursday, February 23, 2012

2012 Lent Challenge of 40 Praises.

Today is the first day of Lent. How do I know this? Not because I am a diligent observer of Lent, but because I have a friend, Mel, who sacrifices one thing for 40 days in order to practice discipline and dependance on our great God. And it's got me thinking of how I can sacrifice and allow Jesus to change me through that sacrifice during this Lent Season.

I think I've given something up a few years, like caffeinated coffee or sweets, but I thought I would coincide this year's observance with something I'm trying to work on in my personal life.

Having a more positive spirit. One that is quick to praise and communicate things that I'm thankful of throughout my day, rather than be quick to spew out the frustrations of my day-to-day experiences.

I am a cynic at heart. It comes natural to me. My mind actually forms funny, but cynical, thoughts all too quickly. I am a firm believer of keepin' it real, and I enjoy making people laugh, but there is a point where I transform myself into a negative person and effect those around me. And I don't want to be that person. I don't want my daughters to become that either.

So I am committing to recording 40 things I am thankful for this Lent Season. With a baby coming soon, I know it won't be realistic to commit to jotting down something each day, but I desire to keep a log of 40 things where I see the hand of God giving me little or big gifts in my life. I pray it blesses my husband, my kids, my extended family, my friends, and that God would use it in my life to realize just how big of an impact I can have by having a thankful and positive spirit.

Who knows, maybe it will even become natural for me!

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