Thursday, December 09, 2010

Come To This?

Not an official Quirky Thursday (looks like those are few and far between). But just a thought for the day.

I just put the last little girl down for a nap. Simultaneous naps are what I live for.

God has been gracious to allow them to both sleep from noon to 2 every day. So about this time every day I walk out into the living room to pure silence, and I am torn between being focused on getting things accomplished around the house and being productive vs. making myself a cup of coffee and sinking into the couch for some good ol' fashioned stay-at-home "me" time.

So today I walked out of Alexia's room and chose to focus. On a "focus" day, I start off by making a list of my priorities for what can be done in two hours. My top three usually consist of doing one house "chore" (so as to avoid living in a perpetual tornado), prep for dinner (to avoid 5:00 meltdowns - those are the worst, most stressful parts of my day if I have procrastinated prepping), and calling/emailing people back.

So today, in all seriousness....before even getting my pen and paper with my top priority list in mind, I made the mental note of:

"I need to shower today. I have to shower today."

Really? When did my life come to this?

That "taking a shower" is something I need to tell myself to focus on, and accomplish? For reals?

Yes, for reals. It's been a couple days. My hair is noticeably greasy. And I have put "Take a shower" as one of my top priorities today.


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