Friday, December 04, 2009

Naiya is 6 Months 12.04.09

This month proved to be a big one for milestones:
  • first tooth (bottom, right) Do you see it?

  • sitting up

  • joining us in a highchair at the dining table (we have both the girls in highchairs at the head of the table, side-by-side)

  • first solid food (infant oatmeal cereal)
  • began oral treatment (propranolol is a high blood pressure medication) for the venous hemangioma on her right eyelid
  • on the same bedtime routine as Alexia (bath w/ Daddy after dinner, story and "night-night" at 8ish) *we still wake her up at 10pm for her medication and last feeding

Naiya is still extraordinarily content. Strangers consistently comment on how laid back she is, especially at the pediatrician's office (which we are regulars there since starting her treatment). I have been able to establish a synchronized eating and sleep schedule for both the girls...can I get an AMEN?!! I credit Naiya for this outcome, because she is able to wait 30 minutes to eat after getting up. So that gives me time to feed Alexia, have a cup of coffee and eat something, and poor Naiya just chills in her highchair occupied by chewing on a toy or Alexia trying to feed her. The same routine goes for lunch.

Naiya has shown no side effects of her (high blood pressure) treatment. Unfortunately, we have not seen any change in the hemangioma's size or color. She swallows the medication like a trooper, and this Saturday she will be on the full dose. She will be on the medication for up to six months or until the hemangoima has disappeared, whichever comes first.

One of my favorite ways the girls interact right now is when Alexia comes with me to get Naiya up from a nap. They peer at each other through the crib bars and Alexia smashes her face up in the bars and says "Hi Nai Nai!" and Naiya stares up at her and laughs and coos. Makes my heart feel like it's gonna burst.

Naiya is nursing six times a day and eating solids for one or two meals. She just graduated to 3-6 month clothing. She is wearing size four diaper (yes, still the same as Alexia) and for her six month appointment, here are her stats:
  • Weight: 15 lbs. 1.5 oz.
  • Length: 25 3/4 inches
  • Head Circumference: 42.3
I would like to point out that Naiya weighs only 7 pounds less than Alexia (18 months old).

Naiya is now aware when she is all alone in a room and cries. So I've had to adapt and make two trips to get both girls in the same place (I used to just leave Naiya "playing" while I tended to Alexia). Naiya is much better at being in the car seat and has learned to fall asleep in the car (I wondered how she would adjust since she sleeps on her belly normally).

I was a bit worried in the beginning of Naiya's life because I didn't have an immediate connection. But she has won my heart over and I'm hoping she will be a mama's girl!

Here's the 6 month comparison shot (Alexia left, Naiya right):

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