Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Project: Budgeting

I realize I have a need for focusing on a project. I feel a bit lost and flounder if there's not a "mission" in my head. And considering my last project was to single-handedly pack and unpack a family of four (I'm not lying, Ryan will verify this-of course, not the actual manual labor of loading/unloading the trucks), I am now needing something that will somewhat stack up against it.

And being minutes from the mall and all the other shopping plazas, and maybe a slight nudge from my husband to stop making J.Crew shareholders rich, I have hereby declared my next project will be to get us back on a budget.

In the past, I have had several seasons of leading up the budget. With a slightly (okay, outright) obsessive style. To the point where I would call Ryan up at work and interrogate him about mystery purchases that were under $5. Not that the amount mattered, but I would get obsessed with finding a category for that purchase to go under. No purchase receipt left behind!

Ryan and I feel like this time will be the best time to focus on saving money. So watch out, here comes the new and improved Budgeter!

No, but really, I did just want to pass along a simple, and I mean simple, online budgeting tool. It's called Pear Budget. I'm doing the 30-day free trial, but I imagine the $3 per month price tag is something we can swing once my first 30 days are over.

I have used Microsoft Money in the past, and this time around with kids, it made my head spin to think about having to go through all those hoops again just to get our budget down on paper. I am in love with this website. I sat down and got us going in less than five minutes. No joke. Now I just have to start saving my receipts and be diligent to enter them in. But like I said, I'm looking for a project and I'm actually itching to start collecting receipts.

This girl's about to make Dave Ramsey one happy camper.

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