Sunday, February 21, 2010

Routine Experiments

I am queen of trying new experiments on my children. All in the name of getting into a routine. I love routine. I thrive on routine. I feel lost and overwhelmed if I stay off routine too long. I would like to think my girls appreciate my OCD tendencies as well. Ryan has to reel me in sometimes. A gentle reminder that it doesn't have to be all-or-nothing is useful every now and then. But I have been trying new experiments on Naiya, in an effort to get her to take naps the same time as Alexia. So I've been waking her up early from a few of her naps, and timing to see how long she lasts in between certain naps. I've finally come up with what I think works for all of us.

I thought it would be beneficial to look back and be able to remember our routine with two under two. All subject to change, of course. My top priorities at this point: synchronized schedules for the girls, to get Naiya to sleep through the night consistently (enough of this teasing me for a couple weeks by sleeping all night, followed by a couple months of waking up)

Here's what's the latest:

  • anywhere between 5-7am - Naiya wakes up to nurse, give her eye medication, put back down immediately
  • 7:15am - I wake up, my wonderful husband makes me a cup of coffee (he even sometimes surprises me with a City Dock drink of choice-vanilla breve), spend some time in my bible and praying/journaling in hopes of gaining perspective for the day
  • 8am - Alexia wakes up, eats breakfast, then plays
  • 9am - Naiya wakes up, nurses
  • 9-10am - we all play together
  • 10am-noon - nap 1 (I haven't figured out who is the best one to put down first...any tips?)
  • 10am - ME time! What's best for me to do (I sometimes default to the computer to do mindless, fun stuff) is workout, and tackle my weekly house goals (yes, I have a routine for that too), get ready for the day, return phone calls if the girls are still asleep
  • noon - both girls wake up, nurse Naiya, then I put on some music and we all have lunch together at the table
  • 12:30-2 - this is the time of day I use to get out of the house with the girls, or we just play inside together
  • 2pm - nurse Naiya, give eye meds
  • 2-4pm - nap 2 (this has been getting shorter and less predictable)
  • 2pm - me time again, I'll take this time to email, blog, and prep for dinner
  • 4pm - girls wake up, nurse Naiya, play
  • 5pm - start cooking dinner, succumb to giving Alexia far too many snacks in an effort to hold off the meltdowns til Ryan gets home and we can eat for real
  • 5:30 or 6ish - nurse Naiya, Ryan gets home and we eat dinner together
  • 7pm - Ryan gives the girls a bath, then we hang out as a family and Alexia can almost always be found sprinting naked all across the house
  • 8pm - nurse Naiya, bedtime for both the girls
  • anywhere between 9-10pm - wake Naiya to give eye meds, put immediately back down
  • 4:15am - Naiya wants to nurse, but I just started to let her cry it out, hopefully her body will get out of this habit
And that's all she wrote. I'm sure just when I'm comfortable with knowing what to expect, it will all change again. But that's okay, I'll just have to bust out some new experiments.


mel @ the larson lingo said...

I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE routines & schedules. I think your schedule is great. I am having a hard time right now because Claire is trying to transition to just 1 nap, but by 5:30 or 6, she is just DONE. And, Kate fighting her nap & I think she is about to give it up. Needless to say, our afternoons have been CRAZY the past few weeks. I am ready to get into a new routine, SOON!

The Roberts Family said...

Shan - just wanted you to know I'm lovin' your posts! This mapped out routine actually motivates me to become a 'routine' person... you seem so productive and I am highly impressed by the morning quiet time w/ coffee... maybe I'm inspired to become a morning person too! =) Thanks for all the inspiration - Hope Naiya is on a sleeping-through-the-night spree!

Kristie Seale said...

Shan, it looks like your doing good. I too am working on getting both boys to sleep the afternoon (12-2)nap together but it's hard. You are great on routine. Keep it up. ... Jon did the same thing about a month or so ago. He wouldn't sleep past 4am & finally he got through it and sleeps until 6-6:30 but goes right back down until 8am again.

Katie said...

I love reading about your schedule with the girls. It is inspiring! Hopefully just a smidgen of what we have to look forward to :). I also love that you still make time for your morning quiet time, it sounds peaceful :)