This year I chose to observe Lent in a creative way, find out how here.
This morning I woke up to an email from my brother-in-law's girlfriend offering to take the girls this afternoon.
Have I formally introduced her yet? Logan is Ryan's youngest brother, and him and Meg have been a huge help with the girls during this pregnancy.
This past fall, the happy couple invited the girls (and us) to go to a local pumpkin patch. The girls still talk about the pumpkin patch with Uncle Logan and Miss Meg.
Something that is impressive to me is how much it is on Meg's radar to help with the girls. Because I can assure you as a non-mom, non-married girl, it was not on my radar. Even with having a full-time job, her own business on the side, a busy social life and tending to a dating relationship, she still makes the time and has the patience to initiate taking the girls. For a couple months, when I was really sick, she was picking up the girls once a week and getting them away from the tv and outside! They refer to a park we have downtown as "Miss Meg's park".
You have been such a blessing and special friend Meg!