Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Getting Newborn Ready.

Only because I know I have to, I forced myself to get all the newborn stuff prepared. This is typically an organizational project that is right up my alley, but this pregnancy I have been completely unmotivated to do anything past what is absolutely necessary. Which is: wash burp cloths (this is the first time I haven't used baby laundry detergent, because I got the look of "is that really necessary?" from Ryan when he saw Dreft in my amazon cart), wash bottles and breast pump accessories, get carseat out, buy newborn diapers, get out newborn clothes and blankets from the attic, pack a boy/girl outfit for the hospital, and get the pack n play ready (I don't even care to have Ryan get the crib down from the attic, because it just seems like too much work), and finally, buy my "recovery toiletries". I was so thankful that my sister-in-law shipped clean newborn clothes (returning my girl's stuff she borrowed, and a few boy clothes thrown in), because it eliminated me having to do any laundry! Hallelujah. And that's it folks. Ryan seems to be relieved by what he calls my practical approach. 

For a few days, the girls took turns playing mommy/baby. 

In these pictures you'll also notice Alexia wearing her newest obsession: ballet leotards, tights and shoes. Not kidding, the girl changes leotards 3-4 times a day. She even slept in her tap shoes. She's in a ballet class with a couple of her friends, and there is even a recital in May. I cannot wait for that. 

And I'll leave you with one disturbing picture of another member of our family prepping for a newborn:

I'm trying to pretend that he doesn't have a look on his face that says everything's normal, just another night at the Grossman household. 

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