Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Love me some lists.

It's no secret that I love lists.

I create lists to get motivated. To feel accomplished. To organize my brain.

When I'm feeling really tired and unmotivated, I make a list of things where I have already accomplished a few. Just so I can cross it off and pat myself on the back.

I am very task-oriented and do not like to move onto the next task if the previous one is not completely check-off-the-listable. Ryan fully understands this. He sees the tension within my brain before I even do, if interupted by something that calls louder for my attention.

Enough about me though.

Let's move on to what I realized today and had to take note of.

Today's "I want to feel productive/My explanation of "what I did all day", I'll call it Exhibit A:

Looks like another ordinary day with multiple checklists (for you nosy ones that are squinting to read each post-it, the yellow is a list of 6 cookies I want to bake during the Christmas season which include: peanut butter, no-bake, sugar cookies w/ frosting, chewy ginger snaps, thumbprint cookies and russian tea cakes. (Ohhhh, I should do a post where I include all the recipes for these cookies, because they are my faves.....I won't promise myself to such a lofty goal for now though...but that would be fun.) So back to the post-its, the orange one of the left has a list of dishes that I need to make tomorrow for friends (birthday and new baby).

And that beloved one front and center, next to the pen? It is my to-do list for today. Here's a closer look:

It wasn't until I had finished #1 and #2 and crossed them both off, that I realized what my life had come to.

When did it become a reality that taking a shower was something I had to put on a to-do list? And not only that. But cross it off with a sense of accomplishment.

With all seriousness.

The title of my next book: "The Day I Realized I Would Never Be 20 and Free To Take On the World." With a sequel called: "The Reactive Life: Because I Don't Have Time to Be Proactive."


Katie said...

Oh, Tony and Addie and I really need to make that visit out there we were talking about. I think we need to spend some time together...your post its...you get me.


The Roberts Family said...

Hahahaha. Love this post, your writing & honesty. May I just add a little subnote for all your readers that a) the Bday dish you made was DELISH (cross it off the list and pat yourself on the back) AND b) the dinner was equally yummy... I happen to have just put down my new baby & am heading for the dessert after this =) Also, sign me up for a copy of your books - both of them. I may even have to be a guest writer for a chapter or two in there...