Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Faceplant 101.

I forgot to blog about it, but last month Alexia had a run-in with the pavement path we have at our apartment complex. Ugh, it was awful.

It all started off as an innocent walk outside in order to run some pre-dinner energy off. There's an exercise path that loops through our complex, complete with some super old school circuit stops. But they are a reasonable alternative for a playground.

These parallel bars (a.k.a. monkey bars) in the above photo happen to be up on a hill. And when Alexia was done swinging her little heart out, she came running down the asphalt path to where Naiya and I were standing. I took note of her gazelle strides as she gained some pretty good speed down that hill. And just when she got to the bottom, she got tripped up. Internally wincing, waiting for what I knew was about to happen, I was surprised when she landed on her knees, then her side, instead of her chin. But somehow in that nano-second of side-falling, she squared back up and did a full-on face plant. Ugh. It makes me cringe remembering it all. Not only did her face hit the asphalt, but I witnessed her poor face literally bounce off the ground. (I actually feel a little sick thinking about it.) 

But good news was: no emergency room trip. 

Bad news was:

What better way to ice her lip than with a fudgsicle? (Thank you Grandma for leaving those in our fridge!)

I'm pretty sure sugar is the cure-all, end-all:

As if my story wasn't graphic enough, I would also like to add one more tidbit. Later that day, I went to wipe Alexia's nose (she had been wailing for something or other) and off came a layer of skin with the tissue. Ugh, it was awful! But I am amazed at how quickly it healed. She was such a trooper!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh. my. gosh.
Poor Alexia!
You can put that picture next to the one of her covered in snot in her high school yearbook. She'll love it. Bless her heart. I'm sorry that you had to see it, Shan. I replay stuff like that over and over in my head after I see it.
How was NYC? Would love to hear about it! Sorry I didn't meet up with you. Any other weekend would've been perfect, but we were trying to come out of a pile of laundry, dirty house and unpacking. Hope it was fun for you girls!