Because I enjoy reading people's "101 Things About Me", but know that I lack the discipline to follow through in compiling 101 things in one post, Quirky Thursday was born.
This week's quirky Thursday is all about how much I dislike watching other people brush their teeth. I'm not quite sure how to explain why. It might be that I don't like spit. Mine or anyone else's. All I know is that as far back as I can remember, it's made me gag to watch other people slowly foam at the mouth, and even worse, hear gobs of it spatter into the sink. I actually think I need to take a break from writing about it...
Most of my high school friends know not to brush their teeth and talk to me. I even make myself gag when I'm brushing my own teeth if any foam gets on the outside of my mouth. And I never spit toothpaste out before putting a handful of water in to rinse. I'm usually not in the bathroom at the same time Ryan is brushing his teeth. And I've tried, maybe only a handful of times, to brush the girls' teeth. But they're the worst, because they just swallow their foam. {dry heave.} That's become Ryan's duty when possible.
And that concludes another random quirk about myself. So now you know not to try to have a heart-to-heart with me at the bathroom sink. It will have to wait until after personal hygiene activities are over.
And now I'm wondering how many times I've done this in front of you, not realizing it. My deepest apologies.
I did not know this about you. Interesting. Suddenly I'm insecure and scouring my memory for a time I might have brushed my teeth in front of you. I'm sorry if I did.
Actually, you probably shouldn't have admitted this to the world. Next time we stay with you guys, I'm pretty sure Jared and I will be swallowing large amounts of toothpaste foam in your presence. Like, at the dinner table.
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