I'm still nursing Naiya once a day, first thing in the morning.
At 14 months old.
And I love every minute of it.
Don't judge.
Since I got robbed of being able to nurse Alexia past five months because I was so sick (guess that happens when you conceive when your first child is 3 months), I was determined to do it as long as possible.
Or until she was able to ask for it herself (not judging anyone else, that's just my personal threshold).
Did I say that I absolutely
love nursing?
One of my favorite things. It's actually one of the main things I look forward to with having another baby.
Minus the pain that comes with it initially though. Not one of my faves.
Canadian Nipple Ointment is one of my faves. It is a lifesaver. (Also referred to as All Purpose Nipple Ointment.) I would be at the top of the pyramid if they had some sort of direct marketing company for it. I am a mad marketer for that stuff.
But anyway, back from my tangent of nursing 101. All that to say, as I'm still continuing to nurse, Alexia is becoming more aware of the whole process. And now wanting to take part.
This past week, Alexia wanted Naiya to "drink mook" from her. Here's the play-by-play.
Alexia getting herself situated. Poor Naiya doesn't know what's comin' to her:
Going in for the kill:
Using brute force to get Naiya to the ground and onto her lap:
And, the flip:
Taking a break to laugh with Mama, who at this point, was laughing so hard she couldn't even breathe:
And back at it again.
Need to make sure both sides are even:
Needless to say, it didn't quite go as planned. Naiya wasn't as willing to nurse from Alexia as she is with Mama. It was well worth the laughs though.