Thursday, June 24, 2010

Those Asians All Look Alike

I came across some old photos from Ryan's childhood. One of them happened to lay around our house for quite a while because I was just too lazy to dig out the photo albums stuffed in Alexia's closet and put it away. The particular photo was of one of the tribal kids way back in the day (he grew up as a missionary kid in a tribe on an island in the Philippines).

Let me mention that I had recently got my hair cut to a bob above my shoulders (how my husband loves it), when Alexia finally stumbled across the photo:

And what was her response? 

Pointer finger to the face, and a very matter-of-fact, "Mama." 

Surely she didn't just say that. Nor did she think that little tribal boy was me, right? So of course I asked her again who that was in the picture. The girl didn't miss a beat and responded, "Mama." 


I probably would have felt self-conscious if I weren't laughing so hard. So much so, that I continued to ask her each day just to see if she still thought that was me in the photo. 

Hey, at least I have a good tan. 

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