Ryan and I thought we had it easy with Alexia, but Naiya is an even more laid back and smiley baby. I am always amazed at how long she will wait before I get a chance to feed her, since I’m often tied up with Alexia or something else around the house. This is how I find her every time I get her up from her nap (propped up on her elbows, smiling at me through the crib bars):
I have to admit she spends much of the day in her Bumbo. She loves our faces up close to hers, she just smiles away. Ryan got her to laugh for the first time this last month by bringing her in for kisses over and over. It was so fun to hear that big of a laugh come out of her little body. Naiya (and I) also caught the second cold of her life. I just hate watching her be so sick. But even after hacking up a lung and blowing snot bubbles, she would flash us a huge grin. For the first time Naiya rolled over (stomach to back). Unfortunately, she decided to practice this in the middle of the night, so I was up rescuing our little turtle on its back. She hasn’t done it since though.
Besides the week I had to get my appendix out and recover, Naiya has been sleeping through the night for eight hour stretches. I’ve been trying to be diligent to make a routine of the following feeding schedule, which I feel has been helpful in her sleeping through the night:
- whenever she first wakes up (I let her decide this so I can have more time to sleep or have quiet time to myself)
- 9am
- noon
- 3pm
- 5pm
- 7pm
- anywhere between 9-10pm
I’m realizing Naiya had a lot of “firsts” this last month, because to add to the list, she had formula for the first time (while I was in the hospital). It’s actually been kind of nice though, because when I leave her with Ryan or his mom I don’t have to worry about pumping. Formula is oh-so convenient, yet oh-so expensive. Even Alexia got in on the fun:
Her four month well visit stats are:
Weight: 14 lbs. (55th %)
Length: 25 in. (75th %)
Head Circumference: 41 cm. (50th %)
She is wearing 3-6 months clothing. She is wearing size 3 diaper, although she has recently been blowing out of them. But I refuse to put her in a bigger diaper than Alexia. Our current nickname for her is Nai-Nai.
Here’s her trademark position in the Bumbo (hands clasped, feet turned in):
It’s still so funny to me how little hair she has. No bows yet for Naiya, and Ryan just isn’t a fan of those cute headbands that I could go broke on at etsy. Her hair is sort of fuzzy, reminds me of baby duck feathers. And this girl’s got some rolls! Who knew you could have fat rolls even on your achilles tendon? Most of her rolls are on her upper thigh, making diaper cleaning real fun. Here’s a shot of those chubby legs:
Naiya has followed her older sister’s lead in the spit up department too. All day long I’m changing outfits, I should probably just put a bib on her.
I’m really looking forward to her personality coming out even more over the next couple of months. Our little Nai-Nai Papay-pay is growing up so fast!
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