Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Alexia is 16 Months 09.22.09

Staging Alexia on the retaining wall proved to me her cautious nature. She had a strange, concentrated look on her face as I shot pictures of her. It wasn’t until I saw her slightly lose her balance and try with all of her might to remain as still as possible, to keep from falling. (I know, I would have felt terrible if she actually fell, but I NEEDED her 16 month photo!) Needless to say, this is the closest thing I got to a smile from her. However, today she has been extraordinarily giggley. It’s funny to see her actually playing games with me now. She started growling and coming up to me real slow, just as I do to her, playing the “Tickle Monster”. I still remember my dad chasing my cousin, Jason, and I around our little condo playing the same game.

Alexia has started to say, “No!” and point to things we have taught her not to touch (i.e. dirty diaper wastebasket, books on OUR bookshelf, the toilet). She has learned to say “Dog” followed by “Woof, Woof”. Although every other living creature is also a dog. I pulled out a dusty, deflated soccer ball and we had our first mother-daughter training session. I was surprised that she can actually kick the ball.

As summer dwindles down, Alexia is taking full advantage of the last fruits of our garden. She has become quite the pepper picker. I have no idea how she learned to do this, but her routine is to search through the pepper plant (pushing leaves and branches aside to find the perfect pepper, I assume), then she plucks the pepper off, strips the extra leaves off, pulls off the remaining stem on the pepper, and then takes a bite out of the pepper. Then on to the next one…

For indoor playtime, throughout the day I can find her flipping through some of her books by herself. Recently, she has wanted to crawl into my lap and look at her books. I love the affection! The greatest thing is if I’m already holding Naiya in my lap and Alexia crawls onto the other leg and there I am cradling both my girls at the same time. Alexia often lands a huge kiss on Naiya head, complete with sound effects, “Mmmmmmm…..”.

She is still taking two naps a day and sleeping 12 hours at night. We have learned (thanks to Ryan) that if we are out past her bedtime, when we get home she needs time to unwind and get settled into being at home before putting her down. I never would have thought a BABY needs that sort of thing, but it’s worked! After fifteen minutes of playing, she goes right to bed (when we rushed her to bed, she would be abnormally hysterical). She has moved up to Size 4 diapers (goodbye convenient diaper packing with both the girls wearing size 3). She is wearing 12-18 months clothing (I accidentally found out she can still squeeze into 3-6 month pants that look like really cute capris). She cannot keep her bows in her hair for longer than an hour, they always end up in her mouth all mangled and slobbery. She is making me laugh more than ever as her personality comes to life, which is comforting because I have this fear that I’m going to be severely depressed when she’s not a baby anymore. It’s hard to believe by this time next year, we will have Baby Naiya doing all the same things.

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