With Alexia turning 15 months old, has come proficiency with walking, more independence and temper tantrums. I love watching her cruise around with her own agenda in a room full of people. The downside to that is her frustration with me when she wants me to do something with her, but I cannot understand what that is exactly. Her temper tantrums consist of her collapsing onto the floor, putting her head between her legs and crying. It’s actually quite sad, and sometimes I have to laugh because of the communication barrier. I find myself saying over and over, “Alexia, please be patient with me and show me what you want.”
She has started this new thing where she grabs my finger and wants me to walk with her to her next desired destination. Gone are the days where I can do what I want and have her play by herself. Fortunately, Naiya is quickly becoming a source of entertainment for Alexia. I discovered (by process of elimination) that she likes to go with me to get Naiya up from her naps and have me put her in the crib with Naiya. I thought it was because she just wanted to be in the crib, but when I picked Naiya up to feed her, Alexia started crying and kept pointing to the mattress insinuating she wanted Naiya next to her. So now I usually let the two of them lay on each other for a couple minutes before crashing Alexia’s party to feed Naiya. The other day I wanted to create a photo opportunity, so I put Naiya on Alexia’s chest while they were in the crib together, and Alexia smiled ear-to-ear and repeatedly gave Naiya hugs and kisses. Love it!
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