Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dream Baby.

Our little man continues to be a dream baby. Hardly ever cries, falls asleep by the time I sling him over my shoulder to burp him, and just the cuddliest, most snuggly little guy. His little arms are usually crossed with his chin resting on top. Can't get enough of him. I have to make an effort to not hog him from Ryan.

We officially moved Noah out of our bedroom and into his own room/guest room/Naiya's old room. (I'll post about the girls sharing a room soon.) I think Alexia was in our master bedroom for five weeks, Naiya for three weeks, and now Noah got the boot at 11 days. I love having a special designated space for our babies though, so I can go about my business without feeling bad for waking Ryan up. And I love having a rocking chair in the room so I can sit and rock and stare at him for as long as I want. Even though I know I should get back to sleep. But when he's so content and asleep, it's easy to choose him over sleep (unlike Naiya who endlessly cried after nighttime feedings and was inconsolable....her newborn days were a blur to me).

And just to take it even more over the top, last night he only woke up to eat ONCE. Yes, once. At 2 am. And then not again until 6am. His last feed was at 9pm last night. What?! I'm trying to prepare myself for a turn for the worst. So as not to be so naive and expect this to be the norm. But I can't help but want to document this for the memory of how good we have it so far.

Makes me re-think that I could possibly do this again. Or at least it makes the past nine months seem rather short when I think about being able to (hopefully) enjoy this little guy for a lifetime.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Can you guess who is who from these six newborn photos of our three babies? (There are two of each child.)

Photo A

Photo B
Photo C
Photo D

Photo E
Photo F


Photo A - Naiya
Photo B - Alexia
Photo C - Noah
Photo D - Naiya
Photo E - Noah
Photo F - Alexia

Noah Allen is Here!

God gave us the sweetest surprise of a little BOY! 

Noah Allen was born on Thursday, March 1, 2012. He weighed a whoppin' 8 lbs. 4 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. 

He is nursing like a champ, only cries when he's being changed or if I wait too long to feed him. Otherwise, he is the most content baby, I told Ryan I could have ten more of him! (His response was "that would be the death of our family"...in regards to me being pregnant ten more times, of course.) 

More details about my labor, and about how much I am in love with him and why, to come soon.

For now, enjoy pics of our precious guy: