Alexia is becoming a tooth monster! Her mouth is full of baby teeth. Front four on top (right fang is just now coming in), four on bottom and four molars. She has started to repeat things we say (which is sort of scary) and has an assortment of words she now uses on a daily basis. She loves to go through facial features right before each nap and bedtime: eye, mouth, ear, hair, teeth (she refuses to say or point to the nose though). Also added to her routine: hand, fingers, foot, toe. She hates getting her diaper changed, especially right after she wakes up. It's like her social life is effected by the two minutes it takes out of playtime to change her diaper. For meals, she sprints to her highchair, and once she's done she lets us know by repeating over and over, "Duh" (done) and offering her stacked plate and water bottle. Her favorite act of disobedience is to stand in her highchair. I can't help but see the glimmer of self-satisfaction when she stands up. She is still ridiculously a Daddy's girl, crying and chasing him all around the house if he is not holding her. She is still notorious for the holding-her-breath cry, something she's done since the first day she was born (you'll see at the end of the video-it actually cuts off before she even takes a breath):
And she still does the real loud cry, holds her breath, silence....silence....silence, then WAIL! It's so interesting how her cry has remained the same (less squeeky now). I've started paying attention to Naiya's cry now, to see if it will remain the same as well. Alexia is a cuddler, and has often found her way into our bed the last couple months (something I swore I wouldn't do), while she was teething and having trouble sleeping. I have to admit, I just love it! But it does make for a bad night's rest. We wake up much earlier than we'd like to, "Hiiiiii!" She is obsessed with her blanket still, she does a happy dance and giggles uncontrollably at the sight of her blanket. She will be quietly content in the car if her blanket is in hand. One of her favorite things to do now is run straight to the pantry and grab whatever goodies she can. She is still taking two naps during the day, although the afternoon nap has been cut short more frequently than I'd like. She's wearing 12-18 month clothing, size 4 diaper (same as Naiya-who is 6 months), and just wore through her first pair of shoes. She often asks to hold Naiya, sits down and holds out her arms. When she's finished holding her, she tells us "no" and shakes her head, trying to squirm out from behind Naiya. Here's one of Alexia's baby-sister-holding techniques (the one-eyed hold):
Kisses for Naiya:
Showing us where Naiya's "eye" is:
(Okay, maybe she's an inch off.)
Ryan and I have waited for the day for Alexia to show us affection. She has now perfected giving us kisses! Complete with a "Mmmmmm."
Our baby is slipping way too fast into toddlerhood!